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Frequently Asked Questions

We currently invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Avalanche. Of the more than 19,000 cryptocurrencies out there, we feel these four represent the safest technology and the most predictable returns.

We analyze the markets daily. For much of 2022, the driving force that has influenced both the traditional and crypto markets has been inflation. We continually monitor macro and micro forces to determine our entry and exit points. 

None. In fact, we recommend that even experienced traders “paper-trade” for the first few months of using our services. We advise on portfolios as small as a thousand dollars and as large as over a million. We have no requirements for how much you want to invest. 

The crypto markets are highly volatile. It is not unusual to experience 2x and 3x profits followed by 2x and 3x declines. Our goal is to invest in sound projects for the long-term and to beat the traditional “buy and hold” returns. 

We frequently trade once or twice weekly and will hold for days and sometimes weeks, especially in the current uncertain trading atmosphere. We expect markets to remain volatile throughout the fall and heading into the mid-term elections. Overall, we expect 2023 to be less volatile than the current year, which will probably result in longer periods of holding our assets. 

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